CYBERDYNE: HAL® medical lower limb type: approved by Taiwanese authorities

CYBERDYNE: HAL® medical lower limb type: approved by Taiwanese authorities

-Business is accelerating following Southeast Asia and Australia-


A wearable cyborg that promotes improvement of physical function.

We are pleased to inform you that HAL® for medical use has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan for medical devices.

Deployed in APAC:

In addition to Japan, the United States and the EU, we are rolling out HAL® for medical use in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

This medical device approval in Taiwan is

Australia (released October 15, this year)
It will be the one that follows.

CHC Healthcare Group:

Partnered with CHC Healthcare Group with TFDA approval.

Started cybernics treatment with medical HAL® at Yee Zen General Hospital.

Chiu Ho Medical System Company:

As a sales agent, we will carry out sales activities for HAL®.


HAL Lower Limb Type obtained medical device approval for Taiwan


obtained a medical device approval for HAL for Medical Use Lower Limb Type (“Medical HAL”,

a device designed to induce improvement of the physical function of the wearer from the Taiwan Food and Drugs Administration (TFDA).

In addition to Japan, the U.S. and the EU, the Company

is promoting the development of Medical HAL in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, receiving approvals in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and recently in Australia
(announced on October 15th).