COVID-19: Fukushima Medical College’IgA antibody’mask: Adsorbs coronavirus

COVID-19: Fukushima Medical College’IgA antibody’mask: Adsorbs coronavirus

-1 billion antibodies per ㎠-

July 20

Fukushima Medical College:

Infected with the new coronavirus,
From the blood of a person whose condition has recovered
Take out “IgA antibody”

We have developed a prototype mask that utilizes “IgA antibody”.

“IgA antibody” mask:

“IgA antibody contained in the mask filter part”

Adsorbs to viruses that have invaded from the outside and prevents them from entering the body.

Fukushima Medical College is applying for a patent. The sale is undecided.

Fukushima Medical College is looking for a sales company.

Manufactured by Zephyr:

Fukushima Medical College has outsourced manufacturing to Zephyr, which manufactures production equipment for factories.

The prototype is not for sale.

We plan to manufacture 20,000 sheets (4,000 boxes) within the month.

4-layer mask:

According to the medical college and the company, a mask with a four-layer structure.

An increased antibody is sprayed on one filter based on the IgA antibody gene.

Antibody properties:

The antibody has the property of strongly adsorbing to the new coronavirus.

One billion filters are included per square centimeter.

Fukushima Minyu News: