産総研:ウナギやワカサギが減少要因:殺虫剤ネオニコチノイドの影響(動画):  AIST: Decrease in eels and smelts: Effects of the insecticide neonicotinoid:  AIST:鳗鱼和果肉减少:杀虫剂新烟碱的影响

pollution, animals, Environment, Pharmaceutical

近畿大:ウナギの人工ふ化成功:既に1000尾以上成長(動画):  Kinki Univ:Successful artificial hatching of eels:growing over 1000 fish:  近畿大学:成功地人工孵化鳗鱼:已经养了1000多条鱼

assistance, animals, 5 Science, University, Environment

蘭Van der Vorm:GrandVisionをEssilorLuxotticaに売却:40億ドルの利益(動画): Billionaire Van der Vorm family $4 billion richer after eyewear sale:  亿万富翁Van der Vorm眼镜出售后的身家增加了40亿美元

Strategy, 7 Finance, Company, Investment

矢崎総業:EV向けに3000W電力供給:EEDDS/Platformを展示(動画):  Yazaki Corp: 3000W power supply for EVs: EEDDS / Platform exhibited:  矢崎株式会社:电动汽车用3000W电源:EEDDS /平台展出

AUTO, powertrain, Self driving

日本グルメ:ラーメン・エキスポ、シカゴで開催:at Chicago Rosemont(動画):  Japan Gourmet: Ramen Expo in Chicago: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center:  日本美食家:拉面博览会,在芝加哥举行:唐纳德·史蒂芬斯会议中心

cooking, Food

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