GPIF、4~6月期運用益5.1兆円と4期連続黒字、株高が寄与  2017-08-04

GPIF profit of 5.1 trillion yen for the fourth consecutive quarter, contributing to the stock’s appreciation in the Apr-Jun quarter. 

The largest pension fund in the world, pension reserve fund managed independent administrative agency (GPIF) investment revenue in April – June was 5 trillion 115.3 billion yen, the rate of return was 3.54%, and it was profitable for the fourth consecutive quarter. The domestic and overseas stocks contributed to the yen’s depreciation against the euro.According to the operation status of the first quarter this year, GPIF announced on 4th, revenues and profit margin were lower than last year’s 10-year high with the global stocks ahead of President Trump ‘s assumption and a strong yen depreciation / It was a high level since December. Domestic stocks accounted for 2 trillion 316.1 billion yen at 6.59% and foreign stocks 5.48% at 1,912.4 billion yen. In foreign bonds, in addition to declining US-European interest rates, yen depreciation and euro appreciation are also favorable, resulting in 4.80% at 880.9 billion yen. Meanwhile, domestic bonds whose yields of government bonds until the middle-term zone remain minus are negative 1.4 billion yen, resulting in an operating loss of 0.01%. Bloomberg

GPIF、4~6月期運用益5.1兆円と4期連続黒字、株高が寄与 2017-08-04

GPIFの運用益5.1兆円と4期連続黒字、株高が寄与-4~6月期。 世界最大の年金基金、年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人(GPIF)の4-6月の運用収益は5兆1153億円、収益率は3.54%となり、4四半期連続で黒字となった。国内外での株高と対ユーロでの円安が寄与した。 GPIFが4日公表した今年度第1四半期の運用状況によると、収益額と収益率はトランプ米大統領の就任に先んじた世界的な株高と大幅な円安・ドル高に恵まれた昨年10-12月期以来の高水準だった。市場運用分では国内株が2兆3161億円で6.59%、外株は1兆9124億円で5.48%。外債は米欧金利の低下に加え、円安・ユーロ高も追い風となり8809億円で4.45%。一方、中期ゾーンまでの国債利回りがマイナス圏にとどまる国内債はマイナス14億円で0.01%の運用損となった。 Bloomberg