Environment protection: Hitachi Zosen, the first US compo-gas plant to start operation – Waste disposal, electricity / compost sales

Environment protection: Hitachi Zosen, the first US compo-gas plant to start operation – Waste disposal, electricity / compost sales

On November 15, Hitachi Zosen Ltd and its subsidiary Hitachi Zosen Inova AG (Switzerland, CEO: Bruno Frederic Boduan, hereafter HZI) will operate the Compogas plant in San Luis Obispo County, California, USA have started.

At this plant, we will sell waste disposal, electric power and compost for the next 20 years.

HZI commented, “This plant will supply electricity and compost to the region and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in California.”

Hitz Hitachi Zosenkan Co., Ltd.
