Japan: January 2020 Ranking by Brand: Imported Car Ranking

Japan: January 2020 Ranking by Brand: Imported Car Ranking

Japan Automobile Dealers Association / Japan Mini Car Association

On February 6, the company announced the sales volume of passenger cars by name and the new vehicle sales report by minicar name in January 2020.

Ranking by car name:

Toyota’s new SUV “ Rise ” ranked first in passenger cars,

Honda Motor Co., Ltd.’s “N-BOX” ranked first in mini vehicles.

Imported car ranking:

Import car registrations in January decreased for four consecutive months.

However, the rate of decrease is on a downward trend.

Car Watch


New car sales in January, “Rise” tops registered cars. Popular price and affordable prices | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Electronic version


January registration of imported cars decreased for 4 consecutive months.
