(日本語) 日本海:北朝鮮の木造船漂着:白骨化した7人の遺体(動画):  Sea of Japan:North Korean wooden boat drifted ashore:Seven bodies skeletonized 日本海:朝鲜木船漂流上岸:七个尸体被骨架化

Sea of Japan: North Korean wooden boat drifted ashore: Seven bodies skeletonized

Sado Beach: Abandoned Shipwreck

A broken wooden boat ashored on the coast of Sado City was found in seven bodies, some of which were skeletonized.

The ship is marked with characters that appear to be Hangul.

The Sado Coast Guard is examining it as a North Korean wooden boat.

On the 27th, a broken wooden boat drifted ashore on the coast of the Sadohama district in Sado City.

A police officer on patrol found it.

NHK: Niigata News
