China: Worst grasshopper damage in Yunnan: rush from Laos

China: Worst grasshopper damage in Yunnan: rush from Laos

Yunnan Province in Southern China:

The worst in the last few decades.

I am suffering from food damage (slaughter) caused by grasshoppers.

On one corn
30-40 Tonosama grasshoppers stick
In a few minutes, the corn nuts will be eaten up. ‥
These grasshoppers occurred in large numbers in neighboring Laos and crossed the border into Yunnan.

Yunnan local government:

In early August, using a drone
Spray insecticide,
Eliminate hundreds of tons of grasshopper in a week.
As of the end of August:

A lot of grasshoppers are rushing from the Laos side.

It is feared that the grain of Yunnan and neighboring rural areas will be consumed in the future.

Chinese media reported.

NEWS Post Seven
