トヨタ:Jaxaと月面ローバー共同開発:期間10年の長丁場(動画):  Toyota will spend 10 years perfecting its astronaut moon rover:  丰田将花费10年时间完善其宇航员月球车

Toyota will spend 10 years perfecting its astronaut moon rover: 



今年初め、月面ローバ -開発計画 を発表。


• Fiscal year 2019: Identifying technological elements that need to be developed for driving on the surface of the moon; drawing up specifications for a prototype rover*

• Fiscal year 2020: Manufacturing test parts for each technological element; manufacturing a prototype rover

• Fiscal year 2021: Testing and evaluating both the manufactured test parts and the prototype rover

• From 2022: Manufacture and evaluation of a 1:1 scale prototype rover; acquisition and verification testing of data on driving systems required to explore the moon’s polar regions

• From 2024: Design, manufacture, and evaluation of an engineering model of the rover; design of the actual flight model

• From 2027: Manufacture, and performance and quality testing of the flight model


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Toyota sign 3-year deal to develop a fuel cell Moon rover | TechCrunch


JAXA and Toyota Commence Joint Research into Manned Pressurized Rover | Corporate | Global Newsroom | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website
