ソニー:中国・動画bilibiliに出資:中国版Youtube Sony: Investing in bilibili in China: Youtube in China 索尼:在中国投资bilibili:在中国的Youtube

Game, Holdings, Entertainment, Investment

オーストラリア(ACCC):アサヒの豪ビールCUB買収承認:1兆880億円(動画):  Australia (ACCC): Approval for Asahi’s acquisition of Australian beer CUB: AUD16 billion:  澳大利亚(ACCC):批准旭收购澳大利亚啤酒CUB:160亿澳元(1,888万亿日元)

M&A, Investment

米国PE:Fortress、Unizoの公開買付け失敗:Fortress Investment Group LLC(動画):  Fortress Tender Offer for Unizo Fails:  要塞投标要塞失败

tender offer, Investment

Berkshire Hathaway:コロナウイルスの損失、700億ドル:保有時価総額37%減少:  Berkshire Hathaway may have suffered $70 billion in coronavirus losses on its 10 investments:  伯克希尔哈撒韦公司在其10大投资中可能遭受了700亿美元的冠状病毒损失

flu, Holdings, Investment

大統領令:中国企業に、米StayNTouchの売却を命令:中国IT北京中長石基信息技術(動画):  Presidential order:a Chinese company to sell the US StayNTouch:Beijing Shiji Information Tech:  总统令:命令中国公司出售美国StayNTouch:中国IT北京中长石信息技术有限公司

M&A, Regulation, Company

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