Fortress Tender Offer for Unizo Fails

Fortress Tender Offer for Unizo Fails

Tokyo, March 19 (Jiji Press)–

U.S. private-equity firm Fortress Investment Group LLC said Thursday that its tender offer for real estate and hotel group Unizo Holdings Co. <3258> has ended in failure.

Applications to sell Unizo shares to Fortress fell short of the minimum requirement during the tender offer period that ended on Wednesday.


Announcement Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of UNIZO Holdings Company, Limited (Securities Code: 3258) Company

Release – 3/19/2020 3:04 PM EDT



To all parties concerned

Company Name: Sapporo GK

Managing Partner: Sapporo ISH

Executor of Managing Partner: Takaaki Fukunaga

Contact: Fortress Investment Group (Japan) GK

Tel: +81-3-6438-4400

Contact for Media Relations: Ai Saito, Kekst CNC

Tel: +81-3-5156-0189 or +81-80-4818-4822


While Sapporo GK (hereinafter referred to as the “Tender Offeror”) decided on August 16,

2019 to acquire the common shares (hereinafter referred to as the “Target Shares”) of UNIZO Holdings Company, Limited (Code No.: 3258, First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange)

(hereinafter referred to as the “Target”)

through a tender offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Tender Offer”) under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948, as amended; hereinafter referred to as the “Act”)

and commenced the Tender Offer on August 19, 2019, the Tender Offeror hereby announces that the Tender Offer has been completed on March 18, 2020, as follows.

1. Outline of Tender Offer

(1) Name and address of the Tender Offeror:

Name: Sapporo GK

Address: c/o Global Solutions Consulting Co., Ltd.

5-1-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo

(2) Name of the Target:

UNIZO Holdings Company, Limited

(3) Type of shares, etc. to be purchased:

Common shares

(4) Number of shares, etc. planned to be purchased:

Number of Shares Planned to be Purchased

Minimum Number of Shares Planned to be Purchased

Maximum Number of Shares Planned to be Purchased


