Taiwan: To purchase over 1,000 US droTaiwan: To purchase over 1,000 US dronesnes

Taiwan: To purchase over 1,000 US drones

– Switchblade to be delivered to Taiwan by 2025

– 720 Switchblade 300s, 291 Altius 600Ms

Summary from the article published in the evening edition of Fuji Newspaper.

アメリカ、台湾に自爆型無人機「スイッチブレード」売却へ 中国にらみ防衛支援 - 日本経済新聞

US government approves sale:

On June 18, the US approved the sale of over 1,000 small drones to Taiwan.

Taiwan government expresses gratitude:

Chinese military intimidation is growing across the Taiwan Strait.

1. Taiwan expressed gratitude, saying it will be able to ‘quickly respond to enemy threats.’

2. China will likely have a hard time dealing with suicide drones in the future.

米が〝ドローン1000機超〟台湾に売却承認 中国軍の上陸阻止にらみ装備拡充 侵攻なら「地獄絵図」戦略具現化の動き(夕刊フジ) - goo ニュース

Suicide drone “Switchblade”:

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced the sale to Taiwan.

1. 720 “Switchblade 300s” and

2. 291 “Altius 600M”.

Including related equipment, the total amount is more than 360 million dollars (57 billion yen).

Both are unmanned weapons that can be used for both reconnaissance and attack purposes.

“Switchblade 300”:

Currently in use in Ukraine. It has also proven effective against Russian aggression.

ALTIUS-600M Kamikaze Drones: The New Threat In The Ukraine War

“Altius 600M”:

It is slightly larger in size and can be equipped with target search equipment and warheads.

アメリカ「中国が台湾侵攻なら地獄絵図になる!」 海外の反応。 : 海外反応! I LOVE JAPAN

US Indo-Pacific Command: Commander Samuel Paparo

On June 10, Commander Paparo answered an interview with the Washington Post.

If China invades Taiwan, we will retaliate with the Hellscape strategy of unmanned weapons.

US suicide drone:

1. It has real-time detection and attack capabilities and can respond quickly to enemy threats.

2. It will stop China’s military operations in Taiwan and jointly contribute to regional stability.

米、台湾に6.19億ドル相当の武器売却承認 米中関係さらに悪化も

Survey by US think tank:

The amount of weapons the US has decided to sell to Taiwan is enormous.

More than $19.6 billion (approximately 3 trillion yen) is still undelivered.


US State Department: Switchblade to be delivered to Taiwan by 2025

Summary from article published in Focus Taiwan.

Taiwan’s State Department Political and Military Affairs Bureau: Covered by Central News Agency

On June 19, it was announced that the delivery will take place between 2024 and 2025.

フォトギャラリー】米台軍需産業が台湾で初会合 米側からロッキード・マーチンやノースロップ・グラマンなど参加 - 産経ニュース

US-Taiwan Business Association: Chairman Hammond Chambers

A US non-profit organization aims to promote trade relations with Taiwan.

He expressed the view that there are no production capacity issues regarding the delivery schedule.

Drone sales

1. Taiwan emphasized that it can significantly increase its advanced weapons.

2. This will allow them to strike back at Chinese military forces approaching Taiwan’s coastline.

In the unlikely event of a clash, they will have enough ammunition to continue fighting.
