NICT: Succeeded in “Drawing near miss” automatically “experiment to avoid” – between drones · direct communication
January 24, 2019
Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Cabinet Office policy officer (responsible for science, technology and innovation)
Development of a system to control flight while grasping mutual droning position by direct communication between drones
Succeeded experiments to automatically avoid near miss with other drones approaching from the front
The drones can grasp the position of each other directly, so that safe operation outside the eyes is possible
Achievement of research
“Flight control device”
1. “Drone mapper device” and “flight computer” developed
We developed a “flight control device” for linking “drone mapper device” and “flight computer”.
2. This “flight control device” detects the approach based on the position information of the surrounding drones (shared by drone mapper).
In this system, the drone controls the flight based on mutual position information shared directly with each other.
3. Therefore, the drone automatically (without going through the pilot)
Avoid approaching the other machine
follow the flight that follows (see Figure 1).
NICT – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology