New interceptor missile: Japan and the US jointly develop GPI missile

JSF on X: "各国の極超音速兵器迎撃ミサイルの迎撃弾頭 ①:GPI(日米共同開発、ノースロップ・グラマン) ②:IRIS-T HYDEF(ドイツ、Diehl) ③:アクィラ(フランス、MBDA) ④:スカイソニック(イスラエル、ラファエル) 最近の計画はTVC付きのものばかり。 https ...

New interceptor missile: Japan and the US jointly develop GPI missile

– Japan adopts Northrop Grumman’s plan

– Japan manufactures the kill vehicle’s propulsion system and main rocket motor

Summary from Jiji Press article.


Japan’s Ministry of Defense: November 1st

Japan and the US will jointly develop a glide-phase interceptor (GPI) missile for intercepting hypersonic weapons.

The Ministry of Defense has awarded Mitsubishi Heavy Industries a contract for 56 billion yen as the Japanese development company.

The contract amount is 56,045 million yen, with a delivery date of March 2029. The aim is to complete development in the 2030s.


Japan and the US agree on development plan: October 26

Northrop Grumman has been selected as the US developer of the new interceptor.

On the 26th, the Ministry of Defense and the Department of Defense agreed to adopt Northrop Grumman’s plan for the joint development of the GPI (gliding phase interceptor).

The GPI interceptor has three stages:

1. Japan will be responsible for the propulsion system of the interceptor, called the “kill vehicle” at the warhead,

2. Japan will be responsible for the rocket motor, which will be the propulsion system for the missile body.

GPI (gliding phase interceptor guided missile):

Japan: Developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

This will be jointly developed by Japan and the United States as a hypersonic weapon interceptor missile to be operated with the Aegis system.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has been selected as the Japanese company to develop the GPI (gliding phase interceptor guided missile).

🌐 Northrop Grumman's Game-Changer: The ...

US: Developed by Northrop Grumman

On September 26th, Northrop Grumman was selected as the company to develop the GPI in the US.

This means that the main company in charge of the Japan-US GPI project has been decided.

ノースロップ・グラマン案 ...

Japan-US GPI: Diagram of development division

1. On November 1st, the Japanese Ministry of Defense announced,

2. An explanatory diagram of the division of labor between Japan and the U.S. for the development of the GPI was presented.

The basic components of the GPI have been clarified.

The division of labor between Japan and the U.S. for the development of the GPI:

However, the form of the GPI guided missile is currently an estimate.

1. First stage booster:

Existing equipment from the U.S. will be used. Made in the U.S.: Mk72 booster will be used.

2. Second stage rocket motor:

Japan will be responsible for all parts. Steering system: Made in Japan (aerodynamic steering fins)

3. Third stage rocket motor:

The U.S. will be responsible for the main parts.

Third stage control system: The use of Japanese-made thrust vector control has yet to be decided.


Kill vehicle (interceptor warhead):

The U.S. will be responsible for the main parts of the kill vehicle.

1. Exterior: U.S.
2. Guidance control system: U.S. (including software)
3. Seeker: U.S. (infrared image camera)
4. Steering system: Japan (※Aerodynamic control surface)
5. Rocket motor: Japan (※TVC)
6. Seeker window: Japan (※Heat-resistant sapphire glass window)

Some unclear points are marked with *.