Nagoya University: Increased rice yield by 30% or more: Gene (cell membrane proton pump)

Nagoya University: Increased rice yield by 30% or more: Gene (cell membrane proton pump)

~ Expectations for increased food production and reduction of carbon dioxide and fertilizer ~

Nagoya University: Institute for Transformative Biomolecules (WPI-ITbM *)

Professor Toshinori Kinoshita:
Researcher Jan Maosin:
Professor Zu Yeon, Nanjing Agricultural University:

By increasing one gene of rice (cell membrane proton pump),

We have developed a technology that simultaneously enhances nutrient absorption and stomatal opening in roots.

We have succeeded in increasing the yield of rice in outdoor paddy fields by more than 30%.

Role of cell membrane proton pump:

Previous studies have revealed that cell membrane proton pumps play an important role in common in root nutrient absorption and stomatal opening.

30% increase in rice yield:

When we created overexpressed rice with increased expression of one cell membrane proton pump gene,

In the root
Nitrogen nutrient absorption is 20% or more,
Photosynthetic activity increased by more than 25%.
Yield evaluation test at 4 locations:

Yield evaluation tests in four different field isolated paddy fields revealed that rice yields increased by more than 30%.

The result of this research is an epoch-making technology that simultaneously enhances nutrient absorption and stomatal opening in roots, and is expected to be applied to various practical products.

Results of this research:

It was published online in the British scientific journal Nature Communications on February 2, 2021 (UK time).

main research:

It was conducted with the support of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) ALCA [JPMJAL1011], Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) [20H05687], and Academic Transformation Area Research (A) [20H05910].

Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis

Open Access
Published: 02 February 2021


Nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) are essential elements for plant growth and crop yield.

Thus, improved N and C utilisation contributes to agricultural productivity and reduces the need for fertilisation.

In the present study, we find that

overexpression of a single rice gene, Oryza sativa plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase 1 (OSA1), facilitates ammonium absorption and assimilation in roots and enhanced light-induced stomatal opening with higher photosynthesis rate in leaves.

As a result, OSA1 overexpression in rice plants causes a 33% increase in grain yield and a 46% increase in N use efficiency overall.

As PM H+-ATPase is highly conserved in plants, these findings indicate that

the manipulation of PM H+-ATPase could cooperatively improve N and C utilisation, potentially providing a vital tool for food security and sustainable agriculture.

Nature Communications