Ground Self-Defense Force: Fuji Firepower Exercise released:

Ground Self-Defense Force: Fuji Firepower Exercise released:

-AWACS and Osprey participated-

Japan Ground Self-Defense Force:

May 28,

At the Higashifuji Exercise Area in Shizuoka Prefecture

The live shooting exercise “Fuji Firepower Exercise” was released for the press.

Fuji Firepower Review:

“Emphasis is placed on Japan’s island defense with China in mind.”

Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft (AWACS)

Emphasized that “E767” will be used to cooperate with the Land, Sea, and Air 3 Self-Defense Forces.

Enemy attack information by alert system
Obtain early and share with each unit’s system,
Immediately prepare for anti-ship combat.
“Training to prevent and destroy the enemy’s landing” has begun.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun

육상 자위대 : 후지 종합 화력 연습을 공개 :

ーAWACS, Osprey가 참가 

육상 자위대:

5월 28일,

시즈오카현・히가시후지 연습장에서,

실탄 사격연습 ‘후지종합화력연습’을 보도용으로 공개했다.

후지 종합 화력 연습:

‘대중국을 염두에 두고 일본의 시마쇼 방위에 역점’을 두었다.


「E767」을 이용해, 육해공 3 자위대에서 제휴하면 강조.

적의 공격 정보를 경계 시스템에 의해,
조기 입수해 각 부대의 시스템으로 공유,
즉, 대함 전투를 준비한다.
“적의 상륙을 저지하고 격파하는 훈련”이 시작되었다.


Pasukan Bela Diri Darat: Latihan Senjata Fuji dirilis:

-AWACS dan Osprey berpartisipasi-

Pasukan Bela Diri Darat Jepang:

28 Mei,

Di Area Latihan Higashifuji di Prefektur Shizuoka

Latihan menembak langsung “Fuji Firepower Exercise” dirilis untuk pers.

Ulasan Fuji Firepower:

“Penekanan ditempatkan pada pertahanan pulau Jepang dengan mempertimbangkan China.”

Angkatan Udara Bela Diri Jepang
Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft (AWACS)

Ditekankan bahwa “E767” akan digunakan untuk bekerja sama dengan Pasukan Bela Diri 3 Darat, Laut, dan Udara.

Informasi serangan musuh dengan sistem peringatan
Dapatkan lebih awal dan bagikan dengan sistem masing-masing unit,
Segera bersiap untuk pertempuran anti-kapal.
“Pelatihan untuk mencegah dan menghancurkan pendaratan musuh” telah dimulai.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun

JGSDF Ospreys To Debut In 2022 Fuji Firepower Review

Japan’s Ground Self-Defense Forces

say that this year’s edition of the Fuji Firepower Review on May 28

will feature a scenario where JGSDF troops respond to an invasion of Japan’s outlying islands,

with a V-22 Osprey of the JGSDF expected to participate in the JGSDF’s largest annual live-fire exercise for the first time.

Japan’s GSDF conducts live-fire exercises | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News