France: Exhibition and sale of dogs and cats to be banned

France: Exhibition and sale of dogs and cats to be banned

-At a pet shop three years later-

French Parliament:

On November 18, a bill on animal cruelty was passed by a majority in favor.

From 2024
The exhibition and sale of dogs and cats at pet stores has been banned.

In the bill:

In addition, animal shows are also mentioned.

By 2026
Breeding of dolphins and orca in the aquarium is prohibited.

By 2028
Wildlife breeding in the circus is banned.

France to ban sales of dogs and cats at pet shops

France will ban pet shops

from selling dogs and cats from 2024 as part of efforts to prevent abandonment.
Under a new animal welfare law

approved by the Senate on Thursday, licensed breeders and shelters will be among the few options for would-be owners.

Owners will also be required

to sign a commitment certificate confirming their knowledge of the needs of the animals.

Purchases can be cancelled within seven days.

The provisions are designed
to prevent impulsive buying, which is a factor behind abandonment.

A pet food industry association says

nearly 22 million dogs and cats are kept as pets in France. But according to animal welfare groups, 100,000 are abandoned every year.

A lawmaker who co-sponsored the bill welcomed its adoption as a historic first step.

The law also bans
dolphin and orca shows from 2026,
and the use of wild animals in traveling circuses from 2028.

A representative of a circus association

vowed to stage a protest, saying that no show animals are abused and the law is arbitrary.