📉Foreigners Net Sellers of Japanese Stocks for 10th Week

📉Foreigners Net Sellers of Japanese Stocks for 10th Week

Tokyo, March 23 (Jiji Press)–Foreign investors were net sellers of Japanese stocks for the 10th consecutive week last week, a Tokyo Stock Exchange report showed Friday.

In the March 12-16 week, their net selling came to 172,847 million yen, against the preceding week’s selling excess of 375,445 million yen, according to the report on stock transactions via 51 brokerage firms on Japan’s two major stock exchanges–the TSE and the Nagoya Stock Exchange.

Following is a breakdown of stock transactions by investment group in millions of yen:

(March 12-16) (March 5-9)

Sell Buy Net Net

Foreigners 9,160,359 8,987,512 -172,847 -375,445

Individuals 2,640,867 2,565,233 -75,634 71,376

(Among Institutions)

Trust Banks -20,330

Other Banks -21,799

Investment Trusts 75,724

