Clarivate Analytics: Announced 16 people including 3 Japanese
-A leading candidate as a Nobel Prize winner-
Clarivate Analytics:
As a researcher who is expected to receive the Nobel Prize 2021
Specially Appointed Professor Tadamitsu Kishimoto of Osaka University,
Professor Emeritus Toshio Hirano of Osaka University,
Professor Mitsuo Sawamoto of Chubu University,
“16 people including 3 Japanese people” was announced.
3 Japanese:
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine:
Osaka University
Ifrec Building Frontier Research Center
With specially appointed professor Tadamitsu Kishimoto
Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Chairman Toshio Hirano
He was selected as a researcher whose award is considered to be promising.
discovered a protein called “interleukin 6” that is involved in the body’s immunity.
Based on this research, therapeutic agents for rheumatoid arthritis have been developed.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry:
As a leading researcher
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
Professor of Advanced Research Center, Chubu University
Mitsuo Sawamoto was selected.
“Precision radical polymerization”:
Mr. Sawamoto was praised for establishing a method called “precision radical polymerization.”
It is a method of connecting multiple molecules so that they have the desired structure and function.
Clarivate Analytics
From the researchers selected by “Clarivate Analytics” so far
59 people have won the Nobel Prize.
NHK News
2021 Clarivate “Citation Honor Award” Winners Announced
Of the 16 winners this year
9 people from the United States
3 people from Japan
I belong to a major academic institution.
Clarivate –Japan