California has over 15,000 Electric Vehicle Charging Units, Ten Percent of which are Fast Chargers. December 11, 2017

California has over 15,000 Electric Vehicle Charging Units, Ten Percent of which are Fast Chargers. December 11, 2017

According to the US DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy report, one third of states have more than 1,000 charging stations (with average of 11% for DC). Seven states are below 100 charging stations.

November 14, 2017: U.S. – 47,886 charging stations

TOP 3: California – 15,193, Texas – 2,544, Florida – 2,041

California leads the country with around 1,500 DC fast chargers (10% of total). There are also two states where DC chargers are at ≈0%.

Department of Energy