MHI selected by Inmarsat to launch its first Inmarsat-6 satellite 20170912 MHI selected by Inmarsat to la Wednesday September 13th, 2017By Tokio X'press ENG, JPN, Space MHI
Project finance for JBIC’s first Indian photovoltaic power generation project Project finance for JBIC’ Wednesday September 13th, 2017By Tokio X'press Project Finance, IND, JPN JBIC
DIC Announces Plans to Expand Production Capacity for PPS Compounds 20170913 DIC Announces Plans to Expand Wednesday September 13th, 2017By Tokio X'press Plastics, JPN DIC
JAXA | About train running test aiming at compatibility between delay recovery of outgoing asteroid explorer “Hayabusa” and power control 20170912 JAXA | About train running tes Wednesday September 13th, 2017By Tokio X'press JAXA, JPN JAXA
Fuji Electric Acquires Indonesian Vending Machine Manufacturing and Sales Company with an Eye to Expanding Business in Southeast Asia Fuji Electric Acquires Indones Wednesday September 13th, 2017By Tokio X'press JPN fujielectric