ACTIV-6 Ivermectin Study Finally Gets Going:

ACTIV-6 Ivermectin Study Finally Gets Going:

Kudos to DCRI for Taking it On Duke Clinical Research Institute recently announced

the elite research center is participating in the latest National Institute of Health (NIH) Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV),

which focuses on repurposed, generic therapies targeting COVID-19.

Formally titled
“The Randomized Trial to Evaluate Efficacy of Repurposed Medications,”

this nationwide, double-blind study is expected to enroll up to 15,000 participants across America.

Therapies include


Fluvoxamine, and


But other medications are under consideration, according to TrialSite sources.

Unfortunately, this kind of study

comes quite late in the pandemic process, but it’s better now than never.

At Duke, the ACTIV-6 study is led by Adrian Hernandez, MD,