Lion Air JT610: Recent Asian airline crashes have taken a heavy toll

Lion Air JT610: Recent Asian airline crashes have taken a heavy toll

The last five years have been troubling ones for Asian passenger airlines, with a number of major deadly air crashes, including four in 2014 alone.

these air disasters killed more than 1,000 people, including those on JT610.

US-Bangla Flight 211: The private carrier making a one-hour journey from Dhaka to Kathmandu on March 12, 2018,

AirAsia Flight 8501: Carrying 162 people on Dec. 28, 2014

TransAsia Airways Flight GE 222: The domestic Taiwanese flight with 58 people on board crashed as it was making a second landing attempt in the middle of heavy rain on July 23, 2014,

Malaysian Airlines Flight 17: Flight 17 was hit by a Russian-made missile over eastern Ukraine to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, 2014.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370: Flight MH370 disappeared from radar two hours after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014,
