New immunosuppressive mechanism of regulatory T cells  20170802

New immunosuppressive mechanism of regulatory T cells. 

Researcher Tokuhito Hayatsu (Research at the time), Miyao Takahisa Technica Staff and Hori Shosui Team Leader (at the time of research) of the RIKEN RIKEN Institute for Integrated Biomedical Sciences Research Team, Immunity Homeostasis Research Team, We discovered that the transcription factor BATF plays an important role in immunosuppression by regulatory T cells (Treg cells) [1]. 

The results of this study clarify a part of the immunosuppressive mechanism by Treg and contribute to the elucidation of the mechanism of the onset of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, allergic diseases, cancer and the development of new treatments You can expect.

This research will be posted on the online version (dated August 1st: Japan time August 2) prior to being published in the American science magazine “Immunity” (August 15 issue). RIKEN