Shimadzu Corporation: Analysis of correlation between matcha and amyloid β content in the brain

Shimadzu Corporation: Analysis of correlation between matcha and amyloid β content in the brain

Clinical trial to verify the dementia prevention effect of matcha

Matcha is a drink that has been popular in Japan since long ago.

Theanine which is its ingredient is reported to be effective for relieving stress and improving sleep.

It is reported that catechin has an antioxidant effect and is effective in suppressing a decrease in cognitive function.

In this clinical study, we comprehensively analyze various cognitive function tests (blood biomarker measurement, blood kinetic analysis, brain imaging (fNIRS, amyloid PET), sleep survey) for subjects before and after the intervention of matcha ingestion It is the first research in the world.

In addition, Hachiro Sugimoto, a visiting professor at Doshisha University, who is the world ‘s first developer of Alichept, a treatment for Alzheimer’ s type dementia, and specialists in medical statistics, will also participate in this study as an advisor.

Shimadzu Corporation

— Translated by TokioX’press —