Humanitarian support:ibasei introduces light hydroelectric generator in Nepal – Improvement of living standard

Humanitarian support:ibasei introduces light hydroelectric generator in Nepal – Improvement of living standard

In the JICA · ODA project, Ibaraki Plant of Japan (ibasei) is promoting introduction of light hydraulic power generators (Cappa and Kingyo).

We covered ‘Project aiming to improve living standard in Himalaya mountainous area’.

Electricity is still insufficient in mountainous areas of Nepal.

The child could not study at night, parents could not do internal jobs and there was no outdoor light , so they could not walk outside safely at night.

School girls going to primary school take lanterns generated by Cappa home.

Ibaraki Seisakusho Co., Ltd. (ibasei),

Small is beautiful: How a Japanese micro-turbine is transforming a Nepalese village

In this episode of Global Japan, we take you to Nepal’s Himalayas, where schoolchildren have light in their classrooms thanks to a mini-hydropower generator called Cappa, created by Norio Kikuchi, CEO of the Japanese company Ibasei.
