Mitsubishi : Power semiconductor “SLIMDIP-W”: Energy saving, noise reduction, downsizing of home appliances
Mitsubishi Electric: Power semiconductors
Mitsubishi Electric has announced a new product in the SLIMDIPTM series of power semiconductors for driving inverters in white goods.
Achieved “low noise and low power loss when driving at high carrier frequency * 1”.
“SLIMDIP-W” launched on January 15, 2020.
Contributes to energy saving, noise reduction, and downsizing of white goods such as washing machines and home air conditioners.
New product features
Reduces power loss when driving at high carrier frequency, contributing to energy saving and noise reduction for white goods
Reduced noise contributes to downsizing and cost reduction of inverter systems
Contribute to miniaturization of inverter system by improving design flexibility of inverter board