Earth Pharmaceutical: Photocatalytic “Mosquito Sweeper”  – Helps to Prevent Dengue and zika fever

Earth Pharmaceutical: Photocatalytic “Mosquito Sweeper”  – Helps to Prevent Dengue and zika fever

Earth Pharmaceutical:

We released “Mosquito sweeper” mosquito catcher utilizing photocatalyst.

“Mosquito sweeper”:

Mosquitoes have a habit of coming close to judging carbon dioxide (CO 2) as breath of life.

We developed a product that generates CO2 by photocatalytic reaction and captures mosquitoes.

The price is 19,800 yen (excluding consumption tax).

It helps to prevent infectious diseases such as dengue fever and zika fever.

Photocatalyst device is:

Adopted products jointly developed by uvix (Tokyo Meguro-ku) and Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University of Science and Akira Fujishima.

This product generates CO2 using titanium oxide.

Livedoor News