European Patent Office (EPO): Report on patent application in 2018
March 28, 2019
European Patent Office (EPO):
On March 12th, we announced the report on patents applied in 2018.
According to the report,
The number of applications in 2018 was 174,317.
It increased by 4.6% from 166,594 in 2017.
European Patent Convention Member States (EPC):
increased by 4.7% from the previous year, with the number of applications for automobiles and sensors increasing.
Decreased number of patent applications for bio, medical and information communication technology (ICT) related technologies
France is down 2.8%
EPC non-member countries:
US and Japan
They grew steadily by 2.7% and 3.9%, respectively.
Although the number of Chinese patent applications increased by 8.8%, it has the lowest growth rate in the past five years.
Computer technology, electromechanical energy, audio visual technology, etc.
Because the growth of “an industry that requires many patents” has slowed.
As a result of the increase in the number of applications for digital communication, electrical machinery, energy and computer technology, it increased by 13.0%.
Patent application status by company:
Siemens (2,493 cases, up 12.3%, Germany),
Huawei (2,485, 3.6% increase, China),
Samsung (2,449, up 21.5%, Korea), LG (2,376, up 15.6%, Korea),
United Technologies (1,983, 15.4% increase, US),
Philips (1,617, down 6.7%, the Netherlands)
Qualcomm (1,593, 14.1% down, US), Ericsson (1,472, up 7.2%, Sweden),
General Electric (1,307, 4.7% down, US),
Bosch (1,286, 8.9% down, Germany)