COVID-19:1滴の血液から30分で測定:抗体の種類と量(動画):  COVID-19:Measured 1 drop of blood in 30 min:Type・amount of antibody: COVID-19:在 30 分钟内从 1 滴血中测量:抗体的类型和数量

flu, Medical science, monitor, Statistics

川崎重工:世界初「液化水素運搬船」公開:Stanwell Corp(動画):  KHI: World’s first “liquefied hydrogen carrier” released: Stanwell Corp: 川崎重工:全球首艘“液化氢运输船”发布:斯坦威尔公司

container, Hydrogen, Energy, shipping, Statistics

日本グルメ:駄菓子「うまい棒」:世界で大人気(動画):  Japan’s gourmet: Dagashi “Umaibo”: Popular in the world:  日本美食:Dagashi“Umaibo”:风靡全球

Brand, Food, Statistics

ソニー:ミリ波対応のプロ向け5Gスマホ:「Xperia PRO」(動画):  Sony: Millimeter-wave compatible 5G smartphone : “Xperia PRO”:  索尼:面向专业人士的毫米波兼容5G智能手机:“ Xperia PRO”

smart phone, 5G, Communication, Statistics

韓国:雇用率、OECDで 28位:OECD雇用統計(動画):  South Korea: Employment rate, 28th in OECD: OECD employment statistics:  韩国:就业率,在经合组织中排名第28:经合组织就业统计

Government, 6 Society, Statistics

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