陸上自衛隊:冨士総合火力演習(総火演):無観客で実施(動画):  JGDSF: Fuji comprehensive thermal power exercise (SOUKAEN): Conducted by no audience:  地面自卫队:富士综合火力演习(总火力表现):无观众指挥

ARMS, tank, Defense

SIPRI:中国武器輸出を推計:AVIC、CETC、CSGC、NORINCO(動画):  Estimating the Arms Sales of Chinese Companies:  估算中国公司的武器销售

ARMS, Sales, Defense

中国:Norinco、合成ダイヤでレーザー兵器製作:laser・microwave-based devices(動画):  China’s Norinco producing synthetic diamonds for potential use in laser-based weapons:  中国北方工业公司生产可能用于激光武器的合成钻石

ARMS, razor, Defense, precision

SIPRI:2018年SIPRIトップ100:軍事100社の武器販売(動画):  The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2018:  2018年SIPRI武器生产和军事服务百强企业

weapon, ARMS, Sales, Defense

ロシア:counter-unmanned aerial system:Rosoboronexport/Rostec(動画):  Russia develops multilayered C-UAS system:  俄罗斯开发多层C-UAS系统

ARMS, Drone, Aviation, Defense

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