Japanese Government: Eliminating Chinese Drones: National Security Risk

Japanese Government: Eliminating Chinese Drones: National Security Risk

Japanese goverment:

It has decided to virtually eliminate Chinese-made drones for flying robots (drones) purchased after 2021.

On September 14, the government announced “policy on procurement of unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. by government agencies”.

Drones owned by government agencies

Japan Coast Guard and Ministry of Defense,
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Forestry Agency,
Metropolitan Police Department, etc.
It is estimated that there are nearly 1000 aircraft in total.

Domestic manufacturer:

At present, domestic products are inferior in price and performance to those made in China and Europe and the United States.

A development support system that puts the public and private sectors together is required for national security and fostering domestic industries.

Chinese drone exclusion:

Japan is not the only move to eliminate Chinese-made drones.

European countries, including the United States, are also moving to ban and restrict the procurement of drones used by government agencies.

Saudi Arabia Oil Facility:

It was temporarily disabled due to a drone attack.

Based on the lessons learned from the 19th incident, the movement to link the threat of Chinese drones with the security of their own countries is rapidly progressing around the world.

National Intelligence Law of China:

China enacted the “National Intelligence Law” in 2017

Chinese organizations have mandated that they must cooperate with the government and the Communist Party in providing information.

Nuclear power plant
International airport control tower,
Radar sites for military facilities, etc.
There is an increasing risk that accurate map information and image information will be lost.

New switch
