Ivermectin Could Turn COVID-19 Around. We Need To Find Out If It Works.

Ivermectin Could Turn COVID-19 Around. We Need To Find Out If It Works.

In Africa,
where “mass administration” of ivermectin is common to fight these devastating ailments, the drug is possibly having an unintended benefit:

It “may be contributing to keeping COVID-19 cases in check and below projections, ” wrote parasitologist Claire Njeri Wamae, who has fought debilitating worms in Nigeria for 40 years.

In other corners of the world:

In the Australian experiment,
first reported in April, ivermectin prompted a 5,000-fold reduction in COVID-19 viruses in a petri dish, essentially killing all particles.

One Bangladesh study:

found that 100 ivermectin-treated patients “tested negative and their symptoms improved within 72 hours.”

Another retrospective review of 248 patients there, found that 115 who received ivermectin

were far less likely to need oxygen or intensive care, or to die from COVID-19.

In the Dominican Republic:

a large medical system treated 1,300 COVID patients with ivermectin and azithromycin, and declared 99 percent cured.

In Egypt:

ivermectin played a “highly significant role” in protecting 203 family members of COVID patients;

just 7 percent of treated people became infected with the virus compared to nearly 60 percent who were not treated.

Such findings have led Thomas Borody, an Australian doctor famous for a cure for stomach ulcers,

to propose a COVID therapy of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc. “It’s an easy virus to kill,” he told a TV interviewer.
