High-altitude, long-distance Shahed: Iranian drones are a global threat

ロシアの新たな長距離攻撃兵器、イラン製自爆ドローン「Shahed 136」とは - YouTube

High-altitude, long-distance Shahed: Iranian drones are a global threat

– Large “Shahed 129”, improved “Shahed 139”, spy type “Shahed 147”

– Iran’s latest drone development, sales trends to other countries

Summary from the article published in Courier Japon.

Iranian drones:

“Iranian drones” that have dramatically changed the war are now a global threat

Since the war in Ukraine, drones have been used frequently in wars.

Among them, Iranian drones are attracting attention.

The US media “Bloomberg” has approached the truth.

Iranian drones spread around the world:

In January 2024, rebel forces fighting the Sudanese National Army shot down a drone near Khartoum.

Iranian technology is changing the global arms trade.

Iranian drone production is rapidly increasing:

1. Over the past two years, Iranian drone production has rapidly increased in five countries, including Russia.

2. At least 12 countries have used Iranian parts and received technical assistance from Iran.

However, the widespread use of drones has destabilized the Middle East.

Iran Launches Drills on Targeting Vessels by Suicide Drones

Iran’s development of suicide drones:

Iran has frequently used suicide drones in retaliatory attacks.

1. Iran retaliated against Israel’s airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Syria.

2. Iran retaliated against a U.S. military base in Jordan in 2024.

Used by military and militias:

Militaries and militias of various countries have used Iranian drones, and they have been confirmed in conflicts on four continents.

Iran has created a drone powered by a lawnmower motor.

Deputy Special Representative for Iran at the State Department: Matthew McNiss

From 2019 to 2021, Matthew McNiss served as the Deputy Special Representative for Iran at the State Department.

1. Iran denies selling drones to Russia.

2. However, it acknowledged sending a “small number of drones” before the February 2022 invasion.

Iranian Permanent Mission to the United Nations: Statement in Bloomberg

3. Iran is concerned about weapons being used in conflict zones.

4. It said it will not engage in arms trade between other countries and parties in conflict.

3 U.S. soldiers killed in drone attack in Jordan

Drone attack on US military base in Jordan:

A member of ETANA Syria, a Syrian conflict monitoring group, testified.

1. An Iranian drone was used in the attack on a US military base in Jordan in January.

2. It tracked a US unmanned reconnaissance aircraft stationed there and penetrated its defense network.

Tracking US unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with a drone:

Iran has adopted drones in its drone tracking operations based on its experience in Ukraine.

Iran and Russia will learn from each other about drone operational techniques.

Iran supports Yemen’s Houthi rebels:

Iran supports Yemen’s Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.

1. They sent a drone to a cargo ship and fired a missile at it.

2. In 2024, they succeeded in “reducing trade through the Suez Canal by more than 50%.”

Iran supports Syrian and Iraqi militias:

Iran supports Syrian and Iraqi militias.

1. War breaks out in Gaza in October.

2. Since then, US military bases in Gaza have been bombed dozens of times.

UN restrictions on Iran expire:

In October 2023, UN negotiations with Iran broke down due to the outbreak of war in Gaza.

1. In 2018, the UN failed to impose restrictions on Iran (= banning Iran from selling missiles and drones).

2. In January 2020, the US killed Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike in Baghdad.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ latest drone:

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps unveiled their latest weapons at the Tehran Aerospace Museum.

Iran’s Shahed 139:

The Shahed 139 is an improved version of the Shahed 129, a medium-altitude, long-range large drone deployed in Syria.

Iran’s Shahed 147:

They also unveiled the high-altitude, long-range spy drone Shahed 147.

It is comparable to Northrop Grumman’s Global Hawk used by the US military.

Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition: Shahed 149 Gaza

The annual Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition will be held in Qatar in March 2024.

Iran unveiled the Shahed 149 Gaza drone, which is equipped with missile batteries under its wings.

1. It has an air range of 2,500 km and can reach Iraq.

2. The drone can carry 13 bombs under its wings.

The Iranian Defense Minister announced this on March 13.

1. Iran is producing all of its drone engines on its own.

2. Iran’s overall arms exports have increased 4-5 times in two years.

Shahed 136 parts:

1. Ukraine’s Independent Anti-Corruption Commission disassembled the wreckage.

2. Most of the Shahed 136’s parts are from Europe and the United States.

Analog Devices communications chip:

A British electronics distributor sold it online for HK$2,649 (JPY55,000).

Texas Instruments microcontroller:

It was available for HK$290 (JPY6,000).

Iran’s state-owned drone manufacturer:

Purchases the parts it needs from a back-channel supply chain.

Listed in multiple US indictments unsealed since 2020.

Iran-backed Fighters Release Footage Of ...

Iran collaborates with friendly nations: ETANA report

1. Drone parts are routinely smuggled from Syria to Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

2. Hezbollah also receives manufacturing guidance and manufactures drones to fight Israel.

In 2010, Iran agreed to cover the full cost of parts delivered to Hezbollah.

Iran colludes with friendly nation Russia:

Russia pays Iran $1.16 billion.

1. Russia will manufacture 6,000 Shahed-136s by 2025.

2. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards claim the aircraft can carry 50 kg of explosives 2,500 km.

Iran’s global network:

1. Iran recently restored ties with Sudan after seven years of severing ties.

2. Sudanese militants announced in March 2022 that they had built drones.

Elsewhere in Africa:

Ethiopia is also using Iranian drones to quell insurgencies on two fronts.

Tajikistan in Central Asia:

Tajikistan, a Central Asian country that is supportive of the U.S., is also cooperating with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.
