Economic stagnation in China: Wealthy and highly educated people leave the country!

中国からの富裕層流出、今年は1万3500人との予測-世界最多 - Bloomberg

Economic stagnation in China: Wealthy and highly educated people leave the country!

-Economic stagnation continues for 10 years, putting a brake on future growth

We will deliver a summary from the latest article of hisayoshi-katsumata-worldview.

China’s economic stagnation situation:

The economic slump is expected to continue for the next 10 years.

An economic adviser to the top leadership has released a bleak forecast.

Youth unemployment rate in China:

Over 20%,

the worst ever. Of course,

a “brain drain” is inevitable.

The trend is already gaining momentum.

Wall Street Journal (July 10):

It published an article titled

“Brain drain from China, serious economic impact”.

The number of Chinese leaving the country is increasing rapidly

at a pace not seen in recent years.

Wealthy and highly educated Chinese are indispensable human resources

for modernization and continued investment in China.

期待外れの中国経済、習指導部も打つ手なし-米中逆転はない可能性も - Bloomberg

Deteriorating trend in economic indicators:

China’s financial sector tightens clampdown,

The economic growth/slowdown trend

in real estate and other industries is remarkable.

中国の「人口減少と経済減速」 日本企業にも大きな影響が【時事まとめ】 | 就活ニュースペーパーby朝日新聞 - 就職サイト あさがくナビ

United Nations data:

The trend of population outflow changes with the times.

Early 2000s: There was a net exodus of approximately 500,000 people each year.

2008 onwards: Net outflows plummeted.

Early 2010: China’s economy is booming, leaving fewer people.

Second half of 2020: Slower growth means more people leaving the country.

In the future, the number of people leaving China will increase further.

Millionaires are on the move

UK Investment Immigration Consulting Firm:

Henry & Partners South African research firm:

New World Wealth Both companies collated databases.

Matching data show a similar pattern.

Migration of Millionaires Worldwide

High end net outflow (over $1 million worth):

First half of 2010: Generally stable at around 9,000 people per year.

In 2017: Net outflow of HNWIs exceeded 11,000.

In 2019: Net outflow of HNWIs exceeded 15,000.

2020 and 21: China’s corona has significantly reduced the net outflow of the wealthy.

In 2022: net outflow of 10,800.

In 2023: 13,500 net outflows.

Net outflow of China’s wealthy:

The net outflow of wealthy people has increased to 10,000 people every year.

In the future, it is certain that the wealthy will be forced to donate.

There is no doubt that the number of people leaving China who avoid this will increase.


Number of foreign residents in 2020:

Official data since 2010, Shanghai had 163,954, down 21%.

Beijing had 62,812, a decrease of 42%.

China’s expat population plummets:

In China, it is “a situation where you don’t know when you can be accused of spying.

The country has become too dangerous for foreigners.

This is why we are increasing the number of people leaving the country

and decreasing the number of foreign residents.