Chinese Fentanyl: Targeting US Children!

Chinese Fentanyl: Targeting US Children!

-A Chinese-made synthetic drug that resembles candy-

Synthetic drug fentanyl:

– Fentanyllue, a pain reliever with drug addiction side effects

Chinese-made synthetic drugs are cheaply distributed and become a social problem.

“Colorful shapes that can be mistaken for candy” are on the market.

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):

The DEA warns that “youths and children are the target.”

Pointing out China’s responsibility:

Former U.S. Department of Defense official

“China involved in the smuggling and manufacturing of fentanyl” should be held accountable, he said.

Former US Department of Defense
Mr John Mills

“Fentanyl is a tool used by the Chinese Communist Party to corrupt Americans,” he said.

He said on NTDTV’s program “China in Focus.”

Heroin | Opioids | The Epoch Times

Fentanyl chinois : cibler les enfants américains !

-Une drogue synthétique fabriquée en Chine qui ressemble à un bonbon-

Fentanyl, une drogue de synthèse :

– Fentanyllue, un analgésique aux effets secondaires toxicomanies

Les drogues synthétiques fabriquées en Chine sont distribuées à bas prix et deviennent un problème social.

“Des formes colorées qui peuvent être confondues avec des bonbons” sont sur le marché.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) des États-Unis :

La DEA prévient que “les jeunes et les enfants sont la cible”.

Soulignant la responsabilité de la Chine :

Ancien fonctionnaire du département américain de la Défense

“La Chine impliquée dans la contrebande et la fabrication de fentanyl” devrait être tenue pour responsable, a-t-il déclaré.

Ancien département américain de la Défense
M John Mills

“Le fentanyl est un outil utilisé par le Parti communiste chinois pour corrompre les Américains”, a-t-il déclaré.

Il a parlé sur le programme China in Focus de NTDTV.

Héroïne | Opioïdes | The Epoch Times

Chinesisches Fentanyl: US-Kinder im Visier!

-Eine in China hergestellte synthetische Droge, die Süßigkeiten ähnelt-

Synthetische Droge Fentanyl:

– Fentanyllue, ein Schmerzmittel mit Nebenwirkungen der Drogenabhängigkeit

In China hergestellte synthetische Drogen werden billig vertrieben und werden zu einem gesellschaftlichen Problem.

“Bunte Formen, die man mit Süßigkeiten verwechseln kann” sind auf dem Markt.

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):

Die DEA warnt davor, dass “Jugendliche und Kinder das Ziel sind”.

Hinweis auf die Verantwortung Chinas:

Ehemaliger Beamter des US-Verteidigungsministeriums

„China, das am Schmuggel und der Herstellung von Fentanyl beteiligt ist“, sollte zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, sagte er.

Ehemaliges US-Verteidigungsministerium
Herr John Mills

„Fentanyl ist ein Werkzeug der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, um Amerikaner zu korrumpieren“, sagte er.

Er sprach in der NTDTV-Sendung China im Fokus.

Heroin | Opioide | The Epoch Times

Overdose deaths spurred by fake pills containing fentanyl — and some are designed to look like candy, DEA says

An increasing number of fake prescription pills that contain potentially deadly fentanyl

are helping drive overdose death rates to record levels in the U.S.,

including some now manufactured in rainbow colors designed to look like candy, federal officials said Tuesday.

Drug Enforcement Administration agents

are working to crack down on violent drug cartels in Mexico believed to be trafficking the drugs into the U.S.,

Attorney General Merrick Garland said.

Between May and September, the DEA and local police around the country

seized more than 10 million fentanyl pills and hundreds of pounds of powder, he said.

– CBS News

Officials warn about candy-lookalike ‘rainbow’ fentanyl ahead of Halloween

Where does illicitly manufactured fentanyl come from?

Police and other experts say

fentanyl and fentanyl-laced pills have been illegally imported from as far out as China and even smuggled through the U.S.-Mexico border.

Of the more than 11,000 pounds of fentanyl that made its way into the U.S. last year,

more than half of it came through the border between Mexico and San Diego,

according to investigators.

In some instances,
Chinese drug suppliers send the ingredients to make fentanyl to cartels in Mexico.

After creating the fentanyl, either in raw powder or pill form, the cartels would ship them across the border in trucks, according to investigators.