COVID-19: President Tsai “Taiwan-Japan friendship is unwavering”

Vaccine, flu, Pharmaceutical

US Department of Commerce: 34 foreign entities added to export control: China, Russia, Iran

Procurement, Government, TRADE, Regulation

Korean Anime: Announcement of Plastic Surgery Psychological Horror “Plastic Surgery”:

Anime, Movie, Entertainment

COVID-19: Kumamoto University succeeds in creating corona antibody: effective for mutant strain

flu, Pharmaceutical

(日本語) テスラ:オートパイロット「人身事故多発」:米国訴訟事例(動画):  Tesla: Autopilot “Frequent Personal Accidents”: US Legal Cases:  特斯拉:自动驾驶“频繁发生人身事故”:美国法律案例

Accident, AUTO, Self driving

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