GPIFは昨秋にかけて国内株式に関するESG指数を公募し、27件の応募   ( GPIF publicly offered an ESG index on domestic stock last fall, and 27 applications submitted )  SWF JPN ESG index

GPIFは昨秋にかけて国内株式に関するESG指数を公募し、27件の応募 − 世界最大の年金基金、年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人(GPIF)が日本株の運用で導入を目指しているESG投資。 ブルームバーグのデータによると、日本企業に特化したESG指数はまだ少ないが、世界中の企業を対象とするESG関連の運用指標は700本を超える。うちドル建てで構成銘柄が開示されている225指数の配当再投資込み収益率を、それぞれの時価総額で加重平均すると、最近3年間で年率6.6%。代表的な運用指標であるMSCI世界株価指数の5.6%を上回っている。 GPIFは昨秋にかけて国内株式に関するESG指数を公募し、27件の応募を得た。高橋則広理事長は1月に、対象企業数や時価総額に一定の規模がある指数が望ましいと発言。早ければ3月末までに選定作業を終えたい
GPIF publicly offered an ESG index on domestic stock last fall, and 27 applications submitted – ESG investment aimed at introducing Japanese stocks through the world’s largest pension fund, pension reserve fund operated independent administrative agency (GPIF). According to Bloomberg data, the ESG index specialized for Japanese companies is still small, but there are more than 700 operational indicators related to ESGs targeting companies all over the world. Of which the weighted average of the dividend reinvestment income rate of the 225 index whose constituent stocks are disclosed in the dollar and whose constituent stocks are disclosed is weightedly averaged by 6.6% per annum in the last three years. It is above the 5.6% of the MSCI World Stock Price Index, which is a representative investment indicator. GPIF publicly offered an ESG index on domestic stocks last autumn and received 27 entries. Takahashi Nori Hiro said in January that an index with a certain scale is desirable for the number of target companies and market capitalization. I would like to finish the selection work by the end of March as soon as possible