Education in Japan: Elementary school lunch is a hot topic: It’s Not Just About Eating!


Education in Japan: Elementary school lunch is a hot topic: It’s Not Just About Eating!

Education in Japan: School lunch

It has already been translated into more than eight languages ​​and is drawing attention around the world.

Why are you surprised at Japanese lunch in China?

The time of this video is only about 8 minutes.

This documentary was produced by a Japanese woman living in New York, USA a few years ago.

School Lunch in Japan:

A video titled “School Lunch in Japan –It’s Not Just About Eating!”

This is a record of the school lunch at a public elementary school in Saitama prefecture.

Elementary School in New York:

She said that she made this video because “I was shocked to see her child attending lunch at an elementary school in New York.”

In addition to the large amount of leftover food
It looks like it was hard to eat on the floor or table
Was too terrible.

Publish video:

Originally, it seems that the purpose was to publish this video so that educators at elementary schools in New York could refer to it.

The video quickly became a hot topic and spread around the world.

Especially in China, articles with various titles are circulating and videos are introduced.

Also noteworthy in China:

All of my friends and educators in China are watching.

It is now said to be a “must-see video” for educators and parents who are enthusiastic about education.

Why is it getting so much attention in China?

The reason is clear.

It is shocking to see how different it is from the current elementary schools in China.

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