Nursing care: Supporting nursing staff / excretion assistance: Film sensor detects excretion

Nursing care: Supporting nursing staff / excretion assistance: Film sensor detects excretion

OMTSUTEC: “Next Generation Diaper Sensor”

An electronic circuit was printed on the oblate.

OMTSUTEC is a venture company that develops IT products in the nursing field.

On September 3rd, “Next Generation Diaper Sensor” was announced.

A film-like communication device that can detect the presence or absence of excretion and is built into the diaper of the care recipient.

Aiming for commercialization during FY2020.

“Next generation diaper sensor”: Specifications

A small IC chip is attached to the wafer printed with electronic circuits.
The sensor is designed to melt and break when wet.
A receiver is installed on the bed and used in combination.

“Next-generation diaper sensors” can be produced from several yen to several tens of yen per sheet, and running costs are low.

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