Harvard大:化学者、虚偽報告で逮捕:中国Wuhan Univ to set up a lab(動画):  Harvard chemist arrested on charges of lying about work with China:  哈佛化学家因涉嫌与中国合作而被捕

Harvard大:化学者、虚偽報告で逮捕:中国Wuhan Univ to set up a lab(動画): 
Harvard chemist arrested on charges of lying about work with China: 

Charles Lieber: a chemist at Harvard,

中国Thousand Talents Planに関与しことで、米国国防省に虚偽報告容疑で、火曜日逮捕されました。

China’s Thousand Talents Planとは:



既に証拠から、このプログラムの参加企画立案で、Charles Lieberが、何百万ドルも受取ったことが判明しました。

Business Insider


Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China

The head of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department, Charles Lieber,

was charged Tuesday with making false statements about his involvement with China’s program to recruit foreign researchers.

Lieber’s contract with the program,

Thousand Talents, afforded him a monthly salary of up to $50,000 and annual living expenses of more than $150,000 over three years,

according to an affidavit supporting the criminal complaint against Lieber unsealed on Tuesday.

He was also given more than $1.5 million by the Chinese government and the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) to set up a lab and conduct research at the university.

The Verge
