米製薬Eli Lilly、3,500人を解雇へ

米製薬Eli Lilly、3,500人を解雇へ

米国の製薬会社Eli Lillyは、グローバルスタッフの8%以上を解雇し、コスト削減で施設を閉鎖する予定。


同社はまた、Larchwood、アイオワ製造工場から生産を移管し、ニュージャージーと中国上海の研究開発事務所を閉鎖し統合します。 BBCのニュース

Drugmaker Eli Lilly to cut 3,500 jobs.

US drugmaker Eli Lilly plans to lay off more than 8% of its global staff and close several facilities in an attempt to reduce costs.

Most of the 3,500 job cuts are expected to come via an early retirement programme for US workers, it said. Eli Lilly said it expected the new round of layoffs to be completed by the end of the year. About 2,000 of the cuts are expected to be in the US.

The company is also consolidating work, shifting production from a Larchwood, Iowa manufacturing plant and closing research and development offices in New Jersey and Shanghai, China. BBC News




