

– 陪審團裁定美國賠償4000億韓元 –



在針對三星電子的訴訟中,陪審團裁定“美國半導體公司 NETLIST”勝訴。




在美國,Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) 提起財產侵權訴訟。


“兩國 4 月 26 日的峰會能否找到解決方案尚不確定。”

according to Reuters and other foreign media outlets.

The jury found
that Samsung’s memory modules for high-performance computers infringed upon five of Netlist’s patents.

The compensation is worth more than US$333 million, or about 400 billion won.

In the past,
when Samsung was earning 3 trillion won in operating profit per month,

the amount of damages was not taken so seriously.

However, with Samsung earning only 600 billion won in operating profit in the first quarter of 2023,

the amount of damages looms large.

The case began in 2021
when Netlist claimed that Samsung’s memory products and other data technologies used in cloud computing servers infringed upon its patents.

Samsung argued
that the patents were invalid and that the companies’ technologies were even different.

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP)
also received a lawsuit notification letter from Westinghouse.

In October of 2022,
the U.S. nuclear design company filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

to stop KHNP from selling nuclear power plants developed with its technology to Poland and other Eastern European countries.

The reactor in question
was the APR1400, a new Korean pressurized water reactor.

Westinghouse asserted
that KHNP must obtain a U.S. government permit to export reactors built with its technology.

KHNP argued
that although it utilized earlier technology of Westinghouse,

the APR1400 is a Korean reactor built with its own technology and is not subject to license filing.

Industry insiders expect
that the two companies will eventually cooperate, as Westinghouse has design technology but has to rely on Korean companies for manufacturing itself.

On April 26 (local time),
President Yoon Seok-yeol will hold a summit meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and these industrial issues are expected to be brought up then.

– Businesskorea




Samsung hit with $303 million jury verdict in com…

Irvine, California-based Netlist
sued Samsung in 2021, alleging Samsung memory products used in cloud-computing servers and other data-intensive technology infringe its patents.

Netlist said
its innovations increase the power efficiency of memory modules and allow users to “derive useful information from vast amounts of data in a shorter period of time.”

A Netlist attorney told the jury

that Samsung took its patented module technology after the companies had collaborated on another project, according to a court transcript.

The case is Netlist Inc v. Samsung Electronics Co, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 2:21-cv-00463.


Tribunal de district du Texas : Samsung Electronics condamné à payer 400 milliards de wons !

– Verdict du jury de payer des dommages-intérêts de 400 milliards de won aux États-Unis –

Litige en contrefaçon de brevets de semi-conducteurs aux États-Unis :

District Est du Texas
tribunal de district fédéral

Dans un procès contre Samsung Electronics, un jury s’est prononcé en faveur de la « société américaine de semi-conducteurs NETLIST ».

Principales exportations de la Corée du Sud :

La Corée du Sud est en désaccord avec le nationalisme américain, y compris dans les semi-conducteurs et les centrales nucléaires.


Aux États-Unis, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) a intenté une action en justice pour atteinte à la propriété.

« L’exportation des centrales nucléaires coréennes vers l’Europe de l’Est » vient d’être bloquée.

« Il n’est pas certain qu’un sommet entre les deux pays le 26 avril trouvera une solution.


Texas District Court: Samsung Electronics zur Zahlung von 400 Milliarden Won verurteilt!

– Geschworenenurteil zur Zahlung von Schadensersatz in Höhe von 400 Milliarden Won in den USA –


Östlicher Distrikt von Texas

In einer Klage gegen Samsung Electronics entschied eine Jury zugunsten des US-Halbleiterunternehmens NETLIST.

Südkoreas Hauptexporte:

Südkorea steht im Widerspruch zum US-Nationalismus, auch bei Halbleitern und Kernkraftwerken.

In letzter Zeit,

In den Vereinigten Staaten reichte Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) eine Klage wegen Eigentumsverletzung ein.

Der „Export koreanischer Kernkraftwerke nach Osteuropa“ wurde gerade blockiert.

“Ob ein Gipfel zwischen den beiden Ländern am 26. April eine Lösung bringen wird, ist ungewiss.”