Kioxia 5G:3D闪存的批量生产:1万亿日元新工厂

Kioxia 5G:3D闪存的批量生产:1万亿日元新工厂

半导体Kioxia :(前东芝存储器)



对于下一代通信标准“ 5G”:

随着下一代通信标准“ 5G”的全面普及,应对内存需求的增长。



韩国SK Hinix:

最近,韩国的SK Hynicks宣布收购英特尔的内存业务。


此外,在中国政府的支持下,石口集团旗下的长江胜利科技有限公司(长永内存/ YMTC)正在提高其在这一领域的技术能力。


Production Capacity by Building New Fabrication Facility at Yokkaichi Plant

KIOXIA October 29, 2020

Kioxia Corporation TOKYO—

Kioxia Corporation, the world leader in memory solutions,

today announced it will begin construction of a state-of-the-art fabrication facility (Fab7) at Yokkaichi Plant in Mie Prefecture, Japan

to expand production of its proprietary 3D Flash memory BiCS FLASHTM.

The construction of Kioxia Corporation’s Fab7 facility is expected to commence in the spring of 2021.

Due to technological innovation, the amount of data being generated, stored and used around the world has increased exponentially.

Furthermore, the flash memory market

expects further growth driven by cloud services, 5G, IoT, AI and automated driving.

As a result, the production of cutting-edge products in Kioxia Corporation’s Fab7 facility

will continue to meet the increasing demand for memory around the world.

The Fab7 facility
will be built on the north side of Yokkaichi Plant, where land development is underway.

In order to secure optimal production of advanced flash memory products,

the construction of Fab7 will be divided into two phases, with the first phase of construction scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2022.

Kioxia plans to fund the capital investments for the construction of Fab7 from its operating cash flow.

Consistent with Kioxia’s successful 20-year partnership with Western Digital,

the two companies regularly collaborate on facility operation.

Accordingly, Kioxia and Western Digital expect to continue their joint venture investments for the Fab7 facility.