
ニュース裏表 伊藤達美】エマニュエル駐日米大使の「LGBT発言」は不適切 GHQのもくろみを粉砕、内政干渉に対抗した「山崎猛首班事件」に学べ(1/2ページ) - zakzak:夕刊フジ公式サイト





エマニュエル駐日大使、中国の矛盾を指摘 処理水放水後の漁船に「百聞は一見にしかず」/芸能/デイリースポーツ online

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel:

On September 22nd, he updated his own X (old Twitter).

Release of Japanese treated water into the ocean:

China opposes the release of treated water from Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean.

Ambassador Emmanuel to Japan said to China,

He pointed out the contradiction in the fact that “Chinese fishing vessels have resumed operations off the coast of Japan.”

エマニュエル駐日大使「中国は日本産海産物の輸入を禁止した。しかし、中国の漁船は日本の海域で操業している」 | 政治知新

Pointing out contradictions in China:

It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

It attached “images of Chinese fishing boats operating and their locations.”

中国が日本の水産物輸入禁止 | 岡しげお 公式WEBサイト

Reason for China’s complete suspension of imports: Radiation contamination risk

“Preventing the risk of radiation contamination of food”

This is to “ensure the health of Chinese consumers and the safety of imported food.”


処理水放出、中国で進む「海鮮離れ」 自国産にも警戒心 鮮魚店悲鳴 | 毎日新聞

Unable to sell fish in China: Fishermen scream

– Headwinds due to criticism of China’s treated water –

-Japan will “de-China” through a new route-

We will deliver a summary from Sunday Station on September 24th.

中国 山東省 地図 (313 無料画像)

Interview in the fishing industry city of Qingdao:

I asked a seafood market official why.

Why are seafood products from China so cheap?

Chinese consumers avoid seafood:

Chinese consumers avoided seafood because the Chinese government called treated water “nuclear contaminated water.”

The Chinese government’s comments have also caused hardship for those involved in the Chinese fishing industry.

Chinese fishermen are concerned that the situation will continue for a long time.

Japan’s JETRO holds tasting event:

JETRO provides full support for Japanese food products in the EU.

On September 9th, a tasting event was held in Toulouse, France.

“The 500 servings of yellowtail sashimi were so popular” that they sold out in no time.

“It’s fatty and very delicious,” he said.

On September 9th, we held a business meeting with local buyers in Paris.

UK, Germany, Netherlands:

Tasting events will be held in Europe for over a month.
