中东 COVID-19 研究表明,伊维菌素治疗无症状人群的速度比对照组快

中东 COVID-19 研究表明,伊维菌素治疗无症状人群的速度比对照组快


由黎巴嫩、卡塔尔和伊拉克的一组研究人员领导,研究了无症状 COVID-19 病例中的伊维菌素。


将 100 名 COVID-19 确诊患者随机分为两组,包括 1) 治疗组和 2) 对照组。

伊维菌素在无症状 SARS-CoV-2 阳性受试者的随机治疗中似乎可有效提供临床益处,

The treatment group
received a single dose of ivermectin along with supplements while the control arm received only supplements.

These supplements included Zinc (30-50 mg/day) and Vitamin C (500 mg twice daily).

Ivermectin was dosed based on the following categories:

body weights of 45-64 kg, 65 to 84 kg,
or above 85 kg received (PO)

9 mg, 12 mg or 150 μg/kg body weight of ivermectin, respectively.

The team discovered that

before the regimen was started (day 0),

there was no significant difference between CT-values in the two groups, suggesting that subjects in both groups had similar viral loads.

However, by the 72nd hour, after the regimen started,

an increase in CT-values was much higher in the ivermectin group than in the control group.

The study team concluded that
ivermectin appears to be efficacious in providing clinical benefits in a randomized treatment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive subjects,

effectively resulting in fewer symptoms, lower viral load,
and reduced hospital admissions.

This study was involved a few different universities, including:

Lebanese University, Beirut
Beirut Arab University
Lebanese International University
Rayak University Hospital
Ministry of Health, Beirut
Qatar University

Another Positive Look for Ivermectin

While this study was small and the authors acknowledge that larger clinical trials warranted an overall reduction in viral load,reduced symptoms as compared to the control group,

and zero patients in the ivermectin group that became hospitalized (as compared to 3 in the control group),
the results were overall impressive.

This is especially the case as the study focused on early treatment and a majority of the patients in this cohort end up doing well without treatment.
