
K Street NW in Washington, DC, where many lobbying firms are base





Southern Company, which focuses on American gas and electric utilities, spent $12,300,000 in 2018.

Amid several scandals and public relations fiascos, Facebook spent $12,620,000 on lobbying in 2018.

Defense giant Lockheed Martin spent $13,205,502 in 2018.

In 2018, the Internet & Television Association spent $13,240,000. They are a trade association focused primarily on broadband and television.

Bayer AG, a German pharmaceutical company, spent $13,430,000 on lobbying in 2018.

The National Association of Broadcasters spent $14,170,000 in 2018.

Defense contractor Northrop Grumman spent $14,303,000 on lobbying efforts in 2018.

Amazon, which announced their intent to build two new headquarters in Virginia and New York in 2018, spent $14,400,000 on lobbying. They ultimately pulled out of building a new facility in New York.

Comcast spent $15,072,000 in 2018 on lobbying efforts.

Boeing, the largest airliner manufacturer in the world, spent $15,120,000 on lobbying in 2018.

Telecommunications giant AT&T spent $18,529,000 on lobbying in 2018.

The American Medical Association, which is the largest trade associations for physicians, spent $20,417,000 on lobbying in 2018.

Alphabet, which is the parent company of Google, spent $21,740,000 on lobbying in 2018.

Business Roundtable is a group of CEOs who push for public policy backing their interests. They spent $23,160,000 in 2018.

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One of the biggest United States health insurance giants spent $23,604,221 on lobbying in 2018.

The Chicago-based American Hospital Association spent $23,927,842 on lobbying efforts.

The Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America is a trade association for drug manufacturers. They spent $27,989,250 on lobbying in 2018.

 Open Society Policy Center, a human rights organization founded by billionaire philanthropist George Soros that seeks to influence US policy, spent $31,520,000 in 2018.

The National Association of Realtors spent $72,808,648 on lobbying in 2018.

The US Chamber of Commerce spent a whopping $94,800,000 on lobbying in 2018. The group is the largest spender in 2018, focusing on pushing business-oriented public policy.

Business Insider


Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
