
米軍のパトリオット防空システム [米軍インド太平洋司令部ホームページ キャプチャー]





Providing Patriot missiles to Ukraine:

The US will provide Patriot missiles to Ukraine as a priority from now on.

On June 20, the FT reported that the US government plans to announce this decision.

Clash Report on X: "#BREAKING The U.S. is set to halt all open orders for Patriot air defense systems and interceptor missiles until Ukraine has enough to defend itself from Russia's air

Suspension of open order sales of Patriot missiles:

Sales will be suspended in order to prioritize the enhancement of Ukraine’s Patriot system.

Under the open order system, the ordering country leaves the timing of delivery of Patriot missiles to the supplier.

President Biden announces at G7:

The G7 summit was held in Italy from June 13 to 15.

President Biden suggested to each country that the delivery of Patriot missiles will be delayed.

1. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy was also present at the G7.

2. Five countries have agreed to provide Patriot missiles to Ukraine.

Latest in Ukraine: Germany to Extend Patriot Defense Systems in Poland

Countries that have placed open orders for Patriot missiles:

Poland, Romania, and Germany have already placed open orders with the United States.

1. The above three countries have not yet received Patriot missiles.

2. Spain has also ordered Patriot launchers.

NATO to Order 1,000 Missiles for European Patriot Air Defense Systems

North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states: (NATO)

NATO member states also ordered about 1,000 Patriot missiles in January of this year.

US and Ukrainian government officials have refrained from commenting on these reports.

Ukraine Patriots proving themselves on the battlefield — NV interview / The New Voice of Ukraine

Number of Patriot missiles in Ukraine:

Currently, Ukraine has at least four batteries provided by the United States and Germany.

The Patriot air defense system consists of launchers, radars, and missiles.

Ukraine ammunition depot reportedly hit in wave of Russian missile attacks | Ukraine | The Guardian

The dire state of the war in Ukraine:

Two years and four months have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian military is indiscriminately bombing major Ukrainian cities and power facilities with missiles and drones.

1. Guided glide bombs are launched in large numbers from dozens of kilometers away from the target.

2. Russia is unilaterally crushing the Ukrainian military, which has a weak air defense network.


UbJtpkElFA "Rahm Emanuel ...

Rahm Emanuel :calls on US and Japan to accelerate missile production

From Finanncial Times News

Rahm Emanue has warned:

Rahm Emanuel, the US ambassador to Japan,

the two countries must accelerate joint production of missiles and other cutting-edge weapons to strengthen deterrence against China and bolster military stockpiles for Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden :Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

They agreed to deepen defence industrial collaboration at a summit in April.

in an interview with the Financial Times:

1.Emanuel said both sides needed to change existing rules for the US to make better use of Japan’s engineering and industrial capabilities.

2.The United States is going to have to change the way it deals with technology transfer to get speed, the ambassador said.

Japan is going to have to change the way they deal with exports so there is a business case for this co-production.

MHI produces Patriot missiles:

Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries produces Patriot missiles under licence from US defence contractors Lockheed Martin and RTX, formerly Raytheon Technologies.

Washington wants Tokyo to play a bigger role in co-producing weapons that can be used by the US.

Emanuel said:

1.the US no longer had the luxury of spending years to approve transfers of technology to allies.

2.We’re going to have to change. We can’t do holding technology to the point that you can’t get there fast, he said.
