古河電工:鉗子の位置を直接可視化:ワイヤレス給電(動画):  Furukawa: Direct visualization of forceps position:Wireless power supply: 古河电工:钳子位置的直接可视化:无线电源

LED, Product Safety & Quality, Access to Health Care

EUV:リソグラフィー調達競争:TSMC、サムスン、SKハイ、インテル(動画):  EUV: Lithography Procurement Competition: TSMC,Samsung,SK Hynix,Intel:  EUV:光刻采购竞赛:台积电,三星,SK Hynix,英特尔

EUV, Product Safety & Quality, memory, Semi conductor

韓国:車載用半導体の98%を輸入:世界5位・自動車生産(動画):  S.Korea: Imports 98% of auto semiconductors: 5th largest production: 韩国:进口98%的汽车半导体:世界第五大汽车生产国

LSI, Semi conductor, AUTO

ルネサス火災:3月21日時点の復旧状況:16日に日米首脳会談(動画):  Renesas Fire: Restoration status March 21: Japan-US summit on 16th:  瑞萨消防:截至3月21日的恢复状态:16日日美首脑会议

LSI, Fire, Accident, Semi conductor

中国:37TFLOPSの高性能GPU:7nmプロセスで製造(動画):  China: 37TFLOPS high-performance GPU: manufactured by 7nm process:  中国:37TFLOPS高性能GPU:采用7纳米工艺制造

LSI, edge computing, Semi conductor, Data center

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