日本のユニコーン:「素材・部品・装備」が中心:CBインサイツ(動画):  Japan’s Unicorn: Focusing on “Materials/Parts/Equipment”: CB Insights:  日本独角兽公司:专注于“材料/零件/设备”:CB Insights

Carbon Emissions, Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Product Safety & Quality, Business Ethics, NewBusiness, Company

双竜自動車:マヒンドラと米HAAHの交渉決裂:in Stalemate(動画): Ssangyong Motor: Mahindra and HAAH negotiations broke down: in Stalemate: 双龙汽车:Mahindra和HAAH谈判破裂:陷入僵局

Lay off, salary, NewBusiness, Strategy, AUTO, Company

VFC:香港本社移転:Vans、The North Face、Timberland(動画):  US: VFC relocates Hong Kong headquarters: Vans,North Face,Timberland:  美国服装:VFC搬迁香港总部:Vans,The North Face,Timberland

procurement, NewBusiness, Strategy, Company

日立:ABBパワーグリッド事業買収:買収額7500億円(動画):  Hitachi: Acquired ABB’s power grid business: The price 750 billion yen:  日立:收购ABB的电网业务:收购价格为7500亿日元

NewBusiness, Company

日本5G:NTTとNEC、5G共同開発:O-RAN、DSP、宇宙通信、海底ケーブル(動画):  Japan 5G: NTT and NEC, 5G joint development: O-RAN, DSP, space comm, subsea cable:  日本5G:NTT和NEC,5G联合开发:O-RAN,DSP,空间通信,海底电缆

5G, 4 IT, NewBusiness, Statistics, Strategy, Communication, Company

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